IRE S&C is Gilardoni distributor in South Korea since more than 10 years.
At the beginning of March 2020 during the COVID‑19 pandemic Seoul-Incheon International airport (the largest in South Korea and one of the busiest in the world) launched a tender for n° 6 Dual view low conveyor X-ray scanners for the screening of hold luggages to be installed in the new area called “Quarantine Station”. This area has been specifically conceived to trace the entries in the country and limit the infections.
South Korea’s immediate response to the Coronavirus pandemic has been seen as one of the most efficient models to fight the virus in 2020.
The government has implemented a large and well-organized testing program adopting the so-called “test-trace contain” with big efforts to isolate infected people and trace or quarantine those came into contact, without resorting to the total and generalised lockdown.
Thanks to the collaboration between IRE S&C and Gilardoni, based on the tender technical specifications and the excellent references of our customers both nationally and internationally, our X-ray FEP ME model 1000 DV has been qualified for a demo at the “Quarantine Station” Incheon Airport.
In a very short time, Gilardoni managed to deliver in 10 days the demo customized machine with also the special features requested. Our team was in contact and supported the distributor’s technical team during the whole installation.
Thanks to the technical success of the demo and to the competitive offer, at the end of March 2020 Gilardoni obtained the supply of the 6 devices.
The delivery time required was very tight also in this case but thanks to the efficiency of the production department together with the R&D of the company, Gilardoni was able to deliver the machines in a few weeks as requested by the customer.
They have been successfully installed at the “Quarantine Station” and in July 2020 the customer requested one additional machine.