During the second week of March, it took place a first meeting at the IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna to discuss on the development of an X-ray syllabus for Cultural Heritage applications.
Gilardoni has always been pleased to deal with art works, in fact already 50 years ago we published the first book of X-Rays in Art.
This treatise was conceived as an organic work, trying to maintain a logical unity between the various subjects examined; it collects the role played by radiology in the interpretation of paintings, ceramics, stamps and ancient works in general. Davide B. and Elisa E. represented Gilardoni during this week of intense study and work, giving their contribution in the drafting of the syllabus. The training of personnel specialized in non-destructive radiological testing, the various technologies and diagnostic investigations for the most widely used and known cultural heritage were widely discussed.

Elisa at her return from Vienna tells us enthusiastically:
“Personally, it was a unique experience, it does not happen every day to participate in a roundtable together with people who have years of experience in the field of non-destructive testing or who have worked in the most important museums in Europe to perform X-rays for art. It was an honor to bring my little experience as a Diagnostics for Cultural Heritage to an international event.”
The syllabus at the moment is only the beginning of a project that will see new developments in a few months. This program may be used to develop a technical document that will provide practical information and guidelines for qualified technicians.
The field of non-destructive testing in art is still a niche sector
little known even by professionals, you can not improvise experts in the field, without having deepened certain issues, both as regards the history of rt, but also the materials and diagnostic sciences applied to the artifacts. A specialized figure will help to identify in the best way the causes and then the solutions to the problem.
Digital radiography can be very useful in the world of cultural heritage, thanks to it you can obtain information on the state of preservation, the characteristics of media, the production techniques and the pictorial layers underlying the final pictorial film. Thanks to the advancement of technologies today we have new techniques such as tomography, which can be successfully used for all works of art in which the third dimension is also important. Tomography allows you to see the interior in a non-invasive way, rebuilding the artifact in its entirety, without damage it. With this technology it is possible to obtain fundamental information on the state of conservation and on the construction techniques, helping conservatives and restorers to get more and more detailed information than the 2D version.