On November 20 the Master’s Degree class in Electrical Engineering of the Polytechnic of Turin visited our factory together with the Professor and secretary of AIPnD (Italian Association of non-Destructive Testing), Aldo Canova.

The Italian Association of non-Destructive Testing is a scientific, cultural and professional organization and its members belong to entities such as Companies, Institutes, Research centers, Organizations, Schools, Universities, Professional Studies, Manufacturers and sellers of instrumentation and PnD products (non-destructive testing) and PnD Service Companies.

During the day the students visited the factory, met managers and technicians but above all they could understand what it means to work in a dynamic company like ours.

The two realities met thanks to common connectors: both are associated at AIPnD, both have the will to grow and discover what is outside their walls, both want to promote research and scientific knowledge, both are aimed primarily at a young and enterprising audience.

Studenti del Politecnico di Torino in visita da Gilardoni
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