Ozygil: three oxygen atoms for sanitizing 

Ozygil is Gilardoni’s contribution to efficiently sanitize objects in a completely safe manner. Why choose a method that takes advantage of ozone properties?

Ozone, or O3, is a gas made up of three oxygen atoms that exists in nature and its powerful oxidizing properties allow it to react with a variety of organic and non-organic matter. Moreover, mixed with water it rapidly decomposes and can spark a series of reactive oxygen species that can interact with different biological macromolecules.

Since its discovery, the oxidizing action carried out by ozone has rendered it a valid bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal agent and its mode of action has proved to be considerably more effective against a broader spectrum of microorganisms than other disinfectants.

In addition, while O3 is formed naturally through solar radiation in the stratosphere, its formation can also take place in a simple manner through an artificial ozone generator.

The principle mechanism at the basis of ozone’s disinfecting process – which in most cases is used as a disinfectant and sanitizer either as a water-based solution or as a gas released in environments in which humidity levels are around 90% – is lipid peroxidation, which damages the phospholipids of the cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms whose sensitivity to ozone varies according to the external structure. Among pathogens, viruses are particularly inclined to inactivity by means of ozone, especially if they have pericapsids, that is a casing that envelopes the virus, as is the case with the Corona virus.

In fact, ozone is able to oxidize amino acids which constitute the proteins present on the surface of viruses, altering their structure and function irreversibly. O3 damages the viral casing impeding the pathogens’ survival, firstly by altering the proteins that the virus uses to infect the host cell. It is an apt mode of action since brief exposure, even of a few seconds, allows ozone to de-activate the capacity of viruses to infect, consequently rendering them innocuous: after just 30 seconds of exposure to ozone more than 99% of viruses end up inactive and are no longer able to infect.

Abundant scientific evidence has demonstrated the effectiveness of ozone in sanitizing environments of every kind, even reaching those areas – like cracks, fabrics and fixtures – which would otherwise be difficult to reach, but also with organic products like, for example, fruit and cheeses, as well as in treating potable water, since using ozone improves conservation of foods without altering their organoleptic characteristics.

Disinfecting through ozone is safe: while high doses can be toxic for human beings in the case of prolonged exposure, O3 is quickly reconverted into oxygen and for this reason it does not produce residual toxicity. Nonetheless, ozone cannot be produced and conserved and so it must be generated on site at the moment of use, as in the case of Ozygil.

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