We are proud to inform you that Gilardoni S.p.A has successully passed the recertification audit for the Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016 standards.

For over 25 years our company has maintained and improved the Quality Management Systems in the markets in which it operates.

Altough opportunities for improvement, stimulus and incentives for the future are always identified, the team leader confirmed a constant improvement in the definition and application of the Quality Management System and a progressive alignment to the MDR requirements for the Medical Devices.

The Certification in 2020 of our Quality Management System in accordance with the MDSAP (Medical Device Single Audit Program), as a further demonstration of the importance of Quality in Gilardoni as a fundamental value, opened the door to the new opportunities for our medical devices in areas where there are more demanding requirements.

These important messages increase the GILARDONI PRIDE that encourages us to work with determination, by raising our performances to meet the needs of our customers without exception, aiming to become a reference in the markets in which we operate.

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