Among the goals of the new year, investment in human resources, individual talents and the development of skills is central to Gilardoni SpA.
The strategic orientation of the company in fact goes not only towards a constant growth of skills, but also towards strengthening the engagement and commitment of collaborators at all levels, as a strategic tool to successfully achieve corporate objectives and to grow the company, together with people.
Training – both on the job and in the classroom – is therefore the focus of attention and if last year Gilardoni promoted an important series of courses, by 2020 a further collection of training needs has already started. The study will be the basis for developing a new, effective plan for the personal and professional growth of internal resources, giving continuity to a coherent path and in the logic of the performing development of individuals and teams.
Leading company with products with a very high technological and innovative component, Gilardoni by its nature needs technical and scientific skills, but is also aware of the centrality of soft skills, those fundamental transversal skills, not least for team work. Here, therefore, that the training proposal gives space, among others, to aspects such as time management and interpersonal communication, to complete the numerous technical themes.
If the success of a company depends on people and if results can only be obtained with competent resources, Gilardoni‘s choice is to invest in the human factor, growth, consolidation and enhancement of a team made up of motivated talents.