On July it has held the 1st Convention about the Non destructive testing in naval field; it was organized by the Italian Association Not Destructive Tests (AIPnD) in Genoa. 

The Conference, born from the idea of presenting an overview of the issues related to non-destructive controls in the naval sector, has allowed Gilardoni to present the use of technical about laser shearography. 

Laser shearography (LS) is a non-destructive method (NDT) used to detect subsurface defects in various types of structure, especially composite materials by analyzing deformations due to a known stress imposed on the object to be analyzed.

shearography (LS) for non-destructive testing (NDT)

The excitation methods that can be used to induce a small deformation are:

  • thermal excitation
  • depression
  • vibration, acoustics and mechanics.

The method involves one-sided accessibility, no means of contact, and a high inspection rate in the order of mq/min.

The shearography technique in the field of ship inspections is applicable at:

  • Hulls
  • Rudders
  • Components made of composite material
Congresso controlli non distruttivi navale - shearografia
The detectable defects are:

  • Delaminations (Ply-Plys)
  • Necklines (Ply-Core)
  • Cleavage (Kissing Bonds)
  • Impact damage (BVIDs)
  • Corrosions- Water inlet
  • Clique in the heart
  • Crushing in the core
Congresso controlli non distruttivi navale - shearografia
1° Convegno sui Controlli non Distruttivi nel settore NAVALE e MARITTIMO a Genova

Foto dal 1° Convegno per il Controllo non Distruttivo nel Settore Navale e Marittimo presso la Villa Giustiniani-Cambiaso di Genova.
Partendo da sx: Fabio Rago, il presidente AIPnD Ezio Tuberosa, Claudio Cappabianca, Laura Minniti, Lew Massera, Mauro Del Giorgio.
Quello di Genova è stato solo il primo di tanti altri che seguiranno!



Obviously the SL is also used in many other fields including Aerospace, Aeronautics, Automotive, Wind, etc.

During the Convention has carried out a deepening tied to the formation, qualification and certification of the ndt operators in naval field.

This meeting was undoubtedly an important moment for Gilardoni and allowed him to discuss and share information on different themes in the sector. 

Photo from the 1st Conference for Non-Destructive Control in the Naval and Maritime Sector at the Villa Giustiniani-Cambiaso in Genoa.


Starting from left: Fabio Rago, the president AIPnD Ezio Tuberosa, Claudio Cappabianca, Laura Minniti, Lew Massera, Mauro Del Giorgio.
The one in Genoa was only the first of many others that will follow!

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