Subject: COVID _19 Public notice and to people concerned

Good morning,
in relation to the current facts concerning the evolution of Coronavirus COVID-19 and related ordinances issued by the competent bodies, we want to specify that the Government has not determined neither the limitation of working activities, nor the stop to transports and circulation of goods between the various risk areas.

The operating activity of GILARDONI S.p.A. continues regularly and there are NO limitations to people or goods.
The company in agreement with the labor unions and under the coordination of the Competent Company Doctor since February 23rd adopted all the expected precautions to ensure wellness and health of employees and to reduce the possibility of infection among employees, suppliers, customers and anyone who could get in touch with our company’s personnel.

From the organizational point of view, then, we are identifying and implementing all those measures aimed at allowing the normal activities of production and supply of services and attenuating the risk of propagation of the infection:

  • Remote operation of part of the staff (smart working);
  • Reduced presence in the company;
  • Organization of operating activity on work shifts without overlaps;
  • Sharing ad hoc modes of delivery or exceeding stock management with our customers;
  • Delocalization of storage areas for finished products;
  • Specific training and supply of personal protective equipment to all technicians involved in technical assistance activities;

Every visit to the company is suspended until different order, but our personnel is equipped to manage remotely any occurring necessity (by telephone or conference call with Skype).

Our board for the crisis management is continuously monitoring the risks and defining the actions according to the evolution of the situation and according to the guidelines provided by the competent authorities

Because of the critical role of Gilardoni S.p.A. in supplying and servicing equipments that are essentials for hospitals, airports, railways and other critical customers our maintenance service team is supporting our customers on all national territory.

GILARDONI’s commitment is to ensure an effective contribution to the containment of the crisis, while maintaining the business continuity.

Best regards.

Davide Baratto

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