Gilardoni Calendar 2016

Reflecting Gilardoni’s global presence, the 2016 Gilardoni Calendar features X-raysì of fabrics from around the world. Enriched with embroidery, lace, pleats and designs, these fabrics are completely transformed through X-rays.
Light and luminous layers display transparent structures revealing beautiful and surprising patterns.
All X-rays were created with Gilardoni equipment.
Light and luminous layers display transparent structures revealing beautiful and surprising patterns.
All X-rays were created with Gilardoni equipment.
Ideazione & Design / Concept & Design: Gregg Baker & Silvia Taccani, B Studio, New York
Coordinazione Stampa / Printing Management: B Studio
Stampa / Printing: A. G. Bellavite, Missaglia (LC), Italy
Stampa / Printing: A. G. Bellavite, Missaglia (LC), Italy
Tutti gli strumenti musicali sono stati gentilmente forniti da BATTISTINI Centro Musicale Lecco –